The Breast Feeding Advisory Association Of Malaysia (Persatuan Penasihat Penyusuan Ibu Malaysia) is an organization with the following objectives:

  1. Creating awareness on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding.
  2. Giving support to women on breastfeeding.

Their core activity is in the area of health care, with a particular interest in women and development, education, professional group/support services, and counselling. They conduct various types of activities such as seminars and conferences, training, publications, creating public awareness, and social gatherings.

The association is affiliated with the Malaysian Council for Child Welfare (MKKM) and has published works like “Mother to Baby – Breastfeeding and working”, “Baby’s Best – 5 series”, and “Penyusuan ibu”.

Persatuan Penasihat Penyusuan Ibu Malaysia adalah sebuah organisasi dengan objektif berikut:

  1. Mewujudkan kesedaran tentang kepentingan penyusuan susu ibu secara eksklusif.
  2. Memberikan sokongan kepada wanita tentang penyusuan susu ibu.

Aktiviti utama mereka adalah dalam bidang penjagaan kesihatan, dengan minat khusus dalam wanita dan pembangunan, pendidikan, kumpulan profesional / perkhidmatan sokongan, dan kaunseling. Mereka menjalankan pelbagai jenis aktiviti seperti seminar dan konferensi, latihan, penerbitan, mewujudkan kesedaran awam, dan perhimpunan sosial.

Persatuan ini bersekutu dengan Majlis Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Malaysia (MKKM) dan telah menerbitkan karya seperti “Mother to Baby – Breastfeeding and working”, “Baby’s Best – 5 series”, dan “Penyusuan ibu”.

Learn More

Breast Feeding Advisory Association Of Malaysia (Persatuan Penasihat Penyusuan Ibu Malaysia)

Puan Siti Norjinah MoinContact Person
[email protected]Email
+603 4053 872Phone Number
+603 4053 873Fax Number
Established since 1974Year of Establishment
7A, Jalan Kolam Air Kampung Klang Gate Baru 53100 Kuala Lumpur Wilayah PersekutuanAddress
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