Community Recycle for Charity (CRC) is a non-profit organization that was established in 2008. It aims to serve communities by helping those in need, regardless of race or religion. CRC collects recyclable items such as clothes, furniture, paper, glass, plastic, and metal.

The donated clothes and furniture are sent directly to charity homes that need help. Other recyclable items are separated at their sorting location and then sold to increase the CRC Fund. The entire amount received from the sale of donated items is used to fulfill the wish list of the charity homes and school projects.

CRC has installed 400 bins around Klang Valley to encourage recycling activities and increase the convenience of donating recyclable items. They have successfully processed more than 10,461,897 tonnes of recyclable waste from their bins.

They also organize charity events and visit orphanages and children’s homes. They welcome individuals and corporations to participate in their activities and events.

Community Recycle for Charity (CRC) adalah sebuah organisasi bukan untung yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2008. Ia bertujuan untuk melayani komuniti dengan membantu mereka yang memerlukan, tanpa mengira bangsa atau agama. CRC mengumpul barang-barang yang boleh dikitar semula seperti pakaian, perabot, kertas, kaca, plastik, dan logam.

Pakaian dan perabot yang didermakan dihantar terus ke rumah amal yang memerlukan bantuan. Barang-barang lain yang boleh dikitar semula dipisahkan di lokasi penyortiran mereka dan kemudian dijual untuk meningkatkan Dana CRC. Jumlah keseluruhan yang diterima dari penjualan barang-barang yang didermakan digunakan untuk memenuhi senarai keinginan rumah amal dan projek sekolah.

CRC telah memasang 400 tong di sekitar Lembah Klang untuk menggalakkan aktiviti kitar semula dan meningkatkan kemudahan menderma barang-barang yang boleh dikitar semula. Mereka telah berjaya memproses lebih daripada 10,461,897 tan sisa yang boleh dikitar semula dari tong mereka.

Mereka juga menganjurkan acara amal dan melawat rumah anak yatim dan rumah kanak-kanak. Mereka mengalu-alukan individu dan korporat untuk mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti dan acara mereka.

Learn More

Community Recycle For Charity (CRC)

[email protected] ; [email protected]Email
+60 3 8737 9151 Phone Number
+6017-363 8100Phone Number
+60 3 8734 9151Fax Number
Established since 2008Year of Establishment
PPM-001-10-29042009Registration Number
Lot 5219A, Taman Balakong Jaya, 43300 Seri Kembangan, SelangorAddress
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I have read the privacy policy and refund policy statements. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024.