Keep a goal in mind. Don’t forget what it is you’re trying to achieve with your event. It could be to raise funds, awareness or lobby for a particular cause or change in legislation.

Find your audience. Think about who are the people you want to engage, it could be donors, volunteers, government agencies or policymakers that could help you achieve your goal.
Money. Have a think about your marketing budget, would you have enough to hire an external party or can you do it yourself? Materials such as posters, flyers or advertisements will incur cost, such as hiring a designer and printer. Or find other means on the digital space to market your event by using Facebook or Instagram, and Twitter. Even MailChimp is an easy way to send posters to your audience.
Your mode of advertising depend on your audience. Do some research on who will be looking at Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or are there more audiences for a traditional approach such as posters or flyers. The right place for your publicity work will attract the right audience for your goals.
If you need to do regular shout outs for your event, work out a schedule so your messages won’t be drowned out, and that your audience has the time and attention span to understand your messages.
Work at a schedule of four weeks or two months or longer, depending on your resources. If there are any changes you need to make, be flexible to adapt. It could be a simple thing from using a different social media to engage the public. Or simply posting flyers on a condominium noticeboard. Always go back to your audience and where they are likely to be to receive messages about your event.

How to publicise your cause / event

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I have read the privacy policy and refund policy statements. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024.