The home, known as Jireh House, is a refuge for beggars, orphans, and widows who lack a support system. It operates as a Christian residence for women of diverse backgrounds and currently accommodates fifteen individuals.

Jireh House’s mission encompasses:

  1. Providing care and affection to those who are unwanted and marginalized, creating a sense of belonging.
  2. Furnishing shelter.
  3. Supplying clothing.
  4. Offering nourishment.
  5. Delivering spiritual education.

In cases where residents have family connections, the facility endeavors to facilitate reconciliation with their loved ones. Jireh House relies solely on the generosity of the public for financial support, with an estimated monthly expenditure of RM1,500 to RM2,000.

Moreover, the home urgently requires RM 20,000 to settle a bank loan and to assist in essential upgrades, such as awning, grill, and renovations.

Jireh House warmly welcomes assistance from donors to cover essential monthly expenses, including water and electricity bills, rent, fuel, and medical aid. Monetary contributions can be made to the following account:

Bank: Public Bank
Account Name: JIREHS HOME
Account Number: 3098547910
Bank Branch:
No. 2, Jalan Tunku Putra
09000 Kulim, Kedah
Tel: 604-4901096

Donors are kindly requested to notify Jireh House of their contributions by calling or emailing, and to send the bank-in slip along with their name, contact number, and address to facilitate the issuance of a tax-exempt receipt.

The organization also extends an open invitation to volunteers interested in offering their support. For further information on how you can assist, please contact the organization.

Rumah ini, yang dikenali sebagai Rumah Jireh, adalah tempat perlindungan bagi golongan pengemis, anak yatim, dan janda yang tidak mempunyai sokongan keluarga. Ia beroperasi sebagai tempat tinggal Kristian untuk wanita dari pelbagai latar belakang dan pada masa ini memuatkan lima belas individu.

Misi Rumah Jireh melibatkan:

  1. Menyediakan penjagaan dan kasih sayang kepada individu yang tidak diingini dan terpinggirkan, mencipta rasa keterikatan.
  2. Menyediakan tempat perlindungan.
  3. Menyediakan pakaian.
  4. Menyediakan makanan.
  5. Menyampaikan pendidikan rohani.

Dalam kes di mana penghuni mempunyai hubungan keluarga, fasiliti ini berusaha untuk memudahkan perdamaian dengan orang yang tersayang. Rumah Jireh bergantung sepenuhnya kepada kemurahan hati orang awam untuk sokongan kewangan, dengan perbelanjaan bulanan yang dianggarkan sekitar RM1,500 hingga RM2,000.

Selain itu, rumah ini memerlukan dengan segera RM20,000 untuk menyelesaikan pinjaman bank dan untuk membantu dalam peningkatan penting seperti awning, gril, dan kerja-kerja pembinaan.

Rumah Jireh dengan tulus mengalu-alukan bantuan dari para penderma untuk menampung perbelanjaan bulanan penting, termasuk bil air dan elektrik, sewa, bahan api, dan bantuan perubatan. Sumbangan kewangan boleh dibuat ke akaun berikut:

Bank: Public Bank
Nombor Akaun: 3098547910
Cawangan Bank:
No. 2, Jalan Tunku Putra
09000 Kulim, Kedah
Tel: 604-4901096

Para penderma dinasihatkan untuk memberitahu Rumah Jireh tentang sumbangan mereka dengan menelefon atau menghantar e-mel, dan untuk menghantar slip bank bersama dengan nama, nombor telefon, dan alamat mereka untuk memudahkan penerbitan resit yang dikecualikan cukai.

Organisasi ini juga membuka peluang kepada sukarelawan yang berminat untuk menawarkan sokongan mereka. Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai cara anda boleh membantu, sila hubungi organisasi tersebut.

Learn More

Jireh’s Home

David and RebekahContact Person
[email protected] ; [email protected]Email
+604 4952676 / 604 4907912 / 6012 4532052Phone Number
+6012-804 2220Phone Number
Established since 1995Year of Establishment
K/PJB WT 034/2017Registration Number
55 Lorong Meranti 2/4 Taman Meranti, 09000 Kulim, KedahAddress
Visit Us

Every donation goes to Touching Hearts Welfare Society, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor and is exempted from tax under sub-section 44(6) of Income Tax Act 1967. does NOT collect donations on behalf of other NGOs. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024. Kindly email [email protected] after your transaction is successfully completed to receive a receipt. The receipt will feature the following fields:
I have read the privacy policy and refund policy statements. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024.