Providing affordable dialysis and cardiac treatment and ensuring these treatments are readily accessible to underprivileged Malaysians.
To provide charitable medical care to all underprivileged Malaysians.
Established 30 years ago, the Maaedicare Charitable Foundation has been caring and making a difference for marginalised communities through the initiatives of its non-profit arms – Kidney Charity and Heart Charity. It all began when MAA-Assurance Bhd set up a kidney charity fund on December 28, 1994; initiated by its noble Founder Tunku Tan Sri Abdullah ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman.
Charity Arms
A. Kidney Charity
Maaedicare has been providing needy patients with quality medical dialysis care since 1994. Now, our Foundation is the second largest non-profit organisation in Malaysia providing subsidised treatment and care to over 820 patients at 12 dialysis centres nationwide. Maaedicare’s Kidney Charity began operating in 1994 at a small shop lot in Jalan Ipoh, KL; with only 7 machines and 20 patients. Today, the charity has vastly grown from its humble beginnings, with 12 dialysis centres nationwide and over a hundred medical staff dedicated to the cause. The Foundation through its dialysis centres provides assistance to underprivileged kidney patients to mitigate chronic kidney disease (CKD) through affordable and quality kidney disease treatments. Patients also enjoy medical care and expertise that includes counselling services, dietary advice, health checks and blood tests. Apart from medical treatments, the charity also aids patient’s families and children through its outreach programs. These programmes help low-income patients and their school-age children receive financial aid and educational opportunities.
How We Help?
1. Delivering support for people living with kidney disease.
2. Supplying needy patients with affordable kidney treatments and medical care.
3. Advocating for patients and their families’ understanding towards kidney diseases and options for treatment.
4. Organising care and assistance programs extended to patients’ families and children.
B. Heart Charity
A keystone to our Foundation is the Heart Charity Fund. Our cardiac diagnostic centres strive to provide state-of-the-art cardiac and vascular treatments to needy patients, and to significantly reduce their wait time at general hospitals. Operational since September 2018, Maaedicare’s Heart Charity is dedicated to fighting Malaysia’s leading death cause – heart disease. On average, approximately 140 people for every 100,000 people suffer from a heart attack; 1 out 4 deaths is caused by heart diseases. The establishment of our Foundation’s heart diagnostic centre (the first in Malaysia) was the first milestone to addressing the pressing issue. The 12-bedded facility is equipped with advanced equipment and a team of professional medical and non-medical staff dedicated to improving the heart health of Malaysians by providing affordable and quality cardiac treatment and vascular services.
How We Help?
1. Providing diverse cardiac treatments at an affordable cost.
2. Promoting early detection with health screening packages.
3. Reducing long waiting lists endured in general hospitals
4. Educating the public on the importance of a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of future cardiac diseases.
1. Electrocardiogram (ECG) – A medical test that detects cardiac abnormalities.
2. Echocardiogram – A heart imaging test producing graphic images of the heart’s structures and direction of blood flow.
3. CT Scan Coronary Angiography – A non-invasive heart imaging test in 3-dimensional pictures.
4. Coronary Angioplasty – A medical procedure used to open clogged heart arteries.
5. Stress Test – A test to evaluate heart’s performance utilizing a treadmill.
6. Coronary Calcium Scores – A test to detect calcium deposits in the coronary arteries of the heart.
7. Coronary Angiogram – A procedure to monitor how blood flows through the arteries of the heart.
8. Full Blood Investigation – A test to check the condition of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
1. CT Scan Room – Imaging CT scan room for in depth medical diagnosis and prognosis.
2. X-Ray Room – Imaging x-ray rooms producing graphics of the organs, tissues, and bones of the body.
3. Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory – Angiogram tests and angioplasty procedures are performed in this room.
4. Inpatient Ward – For patients to stay overnight during the treatments.
5. Recovery Ward – For monitoring patients after medical procedures.
6. Reception Counter – Patient registration, admission and discharge.
7. Lobby – Comfortable lounging area.
C. Klinik Amal Percuma
Klinik Amal Percuma (KAP) adalah usaha amal oleh 2 badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) – Yayasan Amal Maaedicare (YAM) dan Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia (BSMM). KAP menyediakan perkhidmatan perubatan dan penjagaan kesihatan asas yang berkualiti melalui klinik percuma di Malaysia kepada komuniti yang kurang berkemampuan. 16 klinik akan beroperasi di seluruh negara menjelang 2023.
Waktu Operasi: Isnin – Sabtu (9 pagi – 1 petang)
Objektif KAP
1. Menyediakan perkhidmatan perubatan asas secara percuma kepada golongan berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana.
2. Memudahkan akses rawatan perubatan untuk mereka yang menghadapi masalah kewangan.
3. Memudahkan penjagaan kesihatan pencegahan yang cepat dan perlindungan kesihatan untuk golongan kurang berkemampuan.
4. Menggalakkan komuniti untuk melibatkan diri secara dinamik dalam gaya hidup sihat dan mengutamakan kesejahteraan diri.
5. Mewujudkan kesedaran mengenai kesihatan di kalangan rakyat Malaysia.
Perkhidmatan Yang Ditawarkan
1. Merawat Penyakit Akut & Penyakit Kronik
2. Pembedahan Kecil (I&D, T&S, STO, Penyingkiran Bendasing, Avulsi Kuku)
3. Nabuliser
4. Rawatan Kecemasan
5. Pemeriksaan Darah
6. Pemeriksaan Air Kencing
7. Nasihat Pengambilan Pemakanan
8. Pemeriksaan ECG
Maaedicare Charitable Foundation
[email protected]Email | |
www.maaedicare.orgWebsite | |
+603 4044 4468Phone Number | |
+6016-228 1166Phone Number | |
+603 4043 4468Fax Number | |
Established since 1994Year of Establishment | |
2nd - 5th Floor, Wisma MAA-MEDICARE No 183, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah 51200 Kuala Lumpur.Address |