In Arabic, Maahad Lil Aytam (MLA) means “School for the Orphans.” The significance behind choosing this name comes from the power that orphans possess in having their prayers heard directly. The board of MLA decided to grab hold of this pull and use it for the good of their students, orphan or not. In this way, the name “Maahad Lil Aytam” speaks to the girls the board aims to serve and recognizes the strength of their religious symbolism. This name also reflects the board’s desire to help and focus on others, and to create something larger than themselves for everyone to benefit.

Mahaad Lil Aytam is a Quran boarding girls’ school aimed to ultimately house 50 students ages 8-18 years old. In addition to teaching the Quran, MLA incorporates sustainability practices into its students daily lives so that they may learn about ecofriendly techniques that will help them lead healthy lives. Currently this center of learning is located at Lot 2978 Lorong Melati, Kampong Damai, Kuang 48050, Selangor, which encompasses two acres and includes a 9,000 square foot property.

The board is in the process of fundraising so that it may expand the facilities of MLA in the next two years. These grounds are projected to open December of 2015 and will include a cutting edge facility in which to teach, house, and nurture students.


“O Mankind, we created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you into tribes and nations so that you may know each other (not that you despise each other). Verily, the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is he who is most righteous of you.”

(Al Quran, Chapter 49, verse 13)

To live, learn, and practice the Quran by incorporating modern, up-to-date facilities and pedagogy that will encourage students to enter premier universities worldwide, embracing different cultures, races, and lifestyles in a constantly open-minded and curious inquiry of knowledge


To provide a campus for girls and young women to memorize the Quran, thereby adhering to practices and lifestyles that are in line with the Prophet’s teachings

In addition to the religious education, MLA also addresses the fundamental social needs of our students by providing lessons on sustainable living within the campus vicinity.


To become a pioneer Quran school of integrated learning combining a basic, fundamental knowledge of the Quran with the best practices in sustainable living according to the concept of sustainable development (= development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs, Brundtland Report, 1987. See more in Appendix.) – producing quality female students who are able to meet international standards, thereby securing quality “Hafizah” who have been respected, nourished and guided to their fruition according to the pure nature bestowed by God

To nurture pious and righteous young women who do not know the limitations of time, geography and race to get to the good pleasure of God in the world and hereafter

Learn More

Maahad Tahfiz Lil Aytam

[email protected]Email
+60162085994Phone Number
PPM-033-10-11052012Registration Number
Lot 2978 Lorong Melati, Kampong Damai Kuang 48050, SelangorAddress
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