The Penang Heritage Trust (PHT) is a charitable non-government organization (NGO) established in 1986. It is dedicated to promoting Penang’s cultural and built heritage. Here are some of its key objectives:

  • Promote the conservation of Penang’s heritage.
  • Facilitate cultural educational programmes.
  • Organize public awareness programmes.
  • Cooperate with other like-minded organizations in Malaysia and abroad.

The PHT is located at 26 Church Street, 10200 George Town. It operates from Tuesday to Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. You can reach them at this phone number: 012-480 1722.

The PHT is open to all and is dependent on membership subscriptions, donations, and grants to continue its work. It organizes cultural, educational, and public awareness programmes for its members and the public. The PHT played a major part in the successful inscription of George Town as a UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) in 2008. With your support, PHT will continue its mission in protecting this WHS of George Town. If you are passionate about, or interested in, our local heritage, you can become a member of the Penang Heritage Trust.

Penang Heritage Trust (PHT) adalah sebuah organisasi bukan kerajaan (NGO) amal yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 1986. Ia berdedikasi untuk mempromosikan warisan budaya dan binaan Pulau Pinang. Berikut adalah beberapa objektif utamanya:

  • Mempromosikan pemuliharaan warisan Pulau Pinang.
  • Memfasilitasi program pendidikan budaya.
  • Mengatur program kesedaran awam.
  • Bekerjasama dengan organisasi lain yang berpikiran sama di Malaysia dan luar negara.

PHT terletak di 26 Church Street, 10200 George Town. Ia beroperasi dari hari Selasa hingga Jumaat, 9:00 pagi – 5:00 petang. Anda boleh menghubungi mereka di nombor telefon ini: 012-480 1722.

PHT terbuka untuk semua dan bergantung pada langganan ahli, derma, dan geran untuk meneruskan kerjanya. Ia mengatur program budaya, pendidikan, dan kesedaran awam untuk ahli dan orang awam. PHT memainkan peranan penting dalam kejayaan pendaftaran George Town sebagai Tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO pada tahun 2008. Dengan sokongan anda, PHT akan meneruskan misinya dalam melindungi Tapak Warisan Dunia ini di George Town. Jika anda berminat atau bersemangat tentang warisan tempatan kita, anda boleh menjadi ahli Penang Heritage Trust.

Learn More

Penang Heritage Trust

[email protected]Email
+604 2642631Phone Number
+604 2628421Fax Number
Established since 1986Year of Establishment
Penang Heritage Trust 26 Lebuh Gereja, George Town, 10200, Penang MalaysiaAddress
Visit Us

Every donation goes to Touching Hearts Welfare Society, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor and is exempted from tax under sub-section 44(6) of Income Tax Act 1967. does NOT collect donations on behalf of other NGOs. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024. Kindly email [email protected] after your transaction is successfully completed to receive a receipt. The receipt will feature the following fields:
I have read the privacy policy and refund policy statements. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024.