The Organization Established by Orang Asli to Safeguard Their Identity and Heritage

The establishment of this organization was initiated by members of the Orang Asli community with the primary goal of safeguarding their identity, heritage, and securing a better future for themselves.

Support and Contributions

POASM (Place Name for the Organization) warmly welcomes donations and expressions of support from individuals and organizations who share their mission.

To make a contribution or send letters of support, kindly use the following addresses:

1. **Mailing Address 1:** POASM
KM. 24, Jalan Pahang,
Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur,

2. **Mailing Address 2:** Arif Embing, Deputy President,
Kampung Orang Asli Tanjung Sepat,
42800 Tanjung Sepat,
Kuala Langat, Selangor,

Your support is greatly appreciated in helping the Orang Asli community preserve their cultural heritage and protect their future.

Pertubuhan Ini Dibentuk oleh Ahli Orang Asli untuk Melindungi Identiti, Warisan, dan Masa Depan Mereka

Pertubuhan ini ditubuhkan oleh ahli komuniti Orang Asli dengan matlamat utama untuk menjaga identiti, warisan, dan memastikan masa depan yang lebih baik bagi diri mereka sendiri.

Sokongan dan Sumbangan

POASM (Nama Tempat bagi Pertubuhan) dengan tangan terbuka menyambut sumbangan dan ungkapan sokongan dari individu dan organisasi yang berkongsi misi mereka.

Untuk membuat sumbangan atau menghantar surat sokongan, sila gunakan alamat-alamat berikut:

1. **Alamat Surat-Menyurat 1:** POASM
KM. 24, Jalan Pahang,
Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur,

2. **Alamat Surat-Menyurat 2:** Arif Embing, Timbalan Presiden,
Kampung Orang Asli Tanjung Sepat,
42800 Tanjung Sepat,
Kuala Langat, Selangor,

Sokongan anda sangat dihargai dalam membantu komuniti Orang Asli menjaga warisan budaya mereka dan melindungi masa depan mereka.

Persatuan Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia (POASM)

[email protected]Email
+603 685 1887Phone Number
+6019-669 5583Phone Number
+603 633 5613Fax Number
PPM-001-10-08091977Registration Number
Pusat Kebudayaan Orang Asli Jln Gombak Km 24 53100 Gombak 53100 Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 53100, Kuala LumpurAddress
Visit Us

Every donation goes to Touching Hearts Welfare Society, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor and is exempted from tax under sub-section 44(6) of Income Tax Act 1967. does NOT collect donations on behalf of other NGOs. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024. Kindly email [email protected] after your transaction is successfully completed to receive a receipt. The receipt will feature the following fields:
I have read the privacy policy and refund policy statements. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024.