Organisasi ini telah diasaskan dengan tujuan memelihara nasib anak-anak yatim di kawasan Kluang serta mengumpulkan dana untuk tujuan pendidikan mereka. Mereka berazam untuk memberikan perlindungan, pendidikan kepada anak-anak yatim Islam yang kurang bernasib baik, dan memberikan bantuan kepada golongan Islam yang memerlukan. Visi mereka adalah untuk membangunkan individu yang berbakat, berpengetahuan, jujur, dan berakhlak mulia.

The organization was established with the purpose of safeguarding the fate of orphans in the Kluang area while also raising funds for their education. They are committed to providing protection, education for economically disadvantaged Muslim orphans, and assistance to impoverished Muslim communities. Their vision is centered around nurturing talented individuals who are knowledgeable, honest, and virtuous.

Learn More

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Islam Kluang

[email protected]Email
607 772 5841Phone Number
607 771 7792Fax Number
PPM-007-01-05071985Registration Number
30, Jalan Besar, 86000 Kluang, JohorAddress
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Every donation goes to Touching Hearts Welfare Society, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor and is exempted from tax under sub-section 44(6) of Income Tax Act 1967. does NOT collect donations on behalf of other NGOs. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024. Kindly email [email protected] after your transaction is successfully completed to receive a receipt. The receipt will feature the following fields:
I have read the privacy policy and refund policy statements. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024.