Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Umu Sabariah Charok Sik is a charitable organization dedicated to supporting orphans and underprivileged children in their daily needs, rehabilitation, and the construction of their dormitories. Founded by Muhamad Sukri Bin Hj Abd Syukor, this NGO earnestly appeals to the kind-hearted Muslim and Muslimat community for assistance and contributions to ensure the well-being and future of these deserving children.

The organization’s primary mission is to provide a stable and nurturing environment for the children, enabling them to access daily essentials and education. They strive to improve the living conditions of the orphans by renovating and constructing dormitories for their accommodation.

Contact Information:

  • Founder: Muhamad Sukri Bin Hj Abd Syukor
  • Phone: 019 – 4745388
  • Office: 04 – 4720197

Current Needs:
The children of Umu Sabariah face daily challenges, from overcrowded transportation to inadequate living conditions. They are in dire need of support from the community. The construction of new dormitories is an immediate concern, along with daily necessities for the children.

How to Contribute:
If you wish to extend your help and support to Umu Sabariah, you can make your contributions through the following bank accounts:

  • Bank Islam: 02048010051838
  • CIMB Bank: 02050000453104
  • Maybank: 552107608991

The organization deeply appreciates any assistance, as they believe that only Allah can truly repay the kindness and generosity of their benefactors. Umu Sabariah prays for the continuous blessings and ease in the affairs of all donors..

Sejarah dan Objektif:
Anak-Anak Yatim Umu Sabariah Charok Sik adalah sebuah organisasi kebajikan yang bertujuan memberi sokongan kepada anak-anak yatim serta miskin dalam komuniti mereka. Organisasi ini telah ditubuhkan oleh Pengasas, Muhamad Sukri Bin Hj Abd Syukor, dengan tekad untuk memastikan kehidupan anak-anak yatim dan miskin ini diberikan peluang yang lebih cerah. Mereka memfokuskan usaha mereka pada penyediaan kelengkapan harian, pembaikan asrama sedia ada, serta pembangunan asrama baru untuk memastikan keperluan asas mereka terpenuhi.

Keperluan Utama:

  1. Kelengkapan Harian: Organisasi ini memerlukan sumbangan dalam bentuk kelengkapan harian seperti makanan, pakaian, dan alatan sekolah bagi anak-anak yang mereka bantu.
  2. Pembaikan Asrama: Pembaikan dan penyelenggaraan asrama sedia ada untuk memberikan lingkungan yang selamat dan selesa kepada anak-anak yang dijaga oleh organisasi.
  3. Pembangunan Asrama Baru: Untuk memenuhi keperluan yang semakin meningkat, Umu Sabariah Charok Sik merancang pembinaan asrama baru dan memerlukan sokongan kewangan untuk merealisasikan projek ini.

Cara Memberi Sokongan:
Bagi sesiapa yang ingin menyokong misi kebajikan Umu Sabariah Charok Sik, sumbangan boleh dihantar melalui maklumat akaun bank berikut:

  • Bank Islam: 02048010051838
  • CIMB Bank: 02050000453104
  • Maybank: 552107608991

Maklumat Hubungan:

  • Pengasas: Muhamad Sukri Bin Hj Abd Syukor
  • No Telefon: 019 – 4745388
  • No Pejabat: 04 – 4720197

Umu Sabariah Charok Sik mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua yang bersedia membantu dan mendoakan supaya Allah SWT sentiasa membalas kebaikan anda. Semoga usaha ini mendapat sokongan yang meluas dari komuniti Muslim dan Muslimat yang prihatin.

Learn More

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Umu Sabariah

[email protected]Email
+604 472 0197 (Pejabat)Phone Number
+6017-4660678 ; 6019-4745388Phone Number
PPM-001-02-30122010Registration Number
No 38A Kampung Charok Sik Mukim Pulai 09100 Baling, KedahAddress
Visit Us

Every donation goes to Touching Hearts Welfare Society, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor and is exempted from tax under sub-section 44(6) of Income Tax Act 1967. does NOT collect donations on behalf of other NGOs. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024. Kindly email [email protected] after your transaction is successfully completed to receive a receipt. The receipt will feature the following fields:
I have read the privacy policy and refund policy statements. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024.