Tax Exemption

Rose Virginie Good Shepherd Centre functions as a refuge and temporary shelter for women and girls facing various crisis situations, including those experiencing abuse, unwed pregnant teenagers, women in marital conflicts, individuals facing personal or family difficulties, and survivors of rape or assault.

The center provides a range of programs designed to facilitate healing, restore self-worth and dignity, and empower individuals to regain control of their lives. Additionally, it aims to help them reintegrate with their families and the broader community. These programs include:

  1. Providing protection and temporary safe housing.
  2. Offering counseling and support services.
  3. Ensuring schooling and tuition support for children.
  4. Teaching basic computer skills.
  5. Offering craft and needlework activities.
  6. Providing job opportunities through the Micro Enterprise Project, which gives women in crisis an opportunity for employment.
  7. The Micro Enterprise Project serves as a source of skilled work, fosters a sense of shared responsibility, and encourages self-help, discipline, and a strong work ethic.
  8. It ultimately promotes self-esteem and self-worth while also offering financial assistance to women looking to rebuild their lives upon leaving the Centre.

Pusat Kebajikan Rose Virginie Good Shepherd berfungsi sebagai tempat perlindungan dan tempat perlindungan sementara bagi wanita dan gadis yang menghadapi pelbagai situasi krisis, termasuk yang mengalami penderaan, remaja perempuan yang hamil tanpa sah atau dalam krisis, wanita yang mengalami konflik dalam perkahwinan, individu yang menghadapi masalah peribadi atau keluarga, dan mangsa rogol atau serangan.

Pusat ini menyediakan pelbagai program yang direka untuk memudahkan proses penyembuhan, mengembalikan harga diri dan martabat, serta memberdayakan individu untuk mengawal semula hidup mereka. Selain itu, pusat ini bertujuan untuk membantu mereka menyatukan semula dengan keluarga dan masyarakat yang lebih luas. Program-program ini termasuk:

  1. Menyediakan perlindungan dan tempat perlindungan sementara yang selamat.
  2. Menyediakan perkhidmatan kaunseling dan sokongan.
  3. Memastikan penyediaan pendidikan dan sokongan kewangan untuk kanak-kanak.
  4. Pengajaran kemahiran komputer asas.
  5. Menyediakan aktiviti kraf dan menjahit.
  6. Menyediakan peluang pekerjaan melalui Projek Enterprise Mikro, yang memberikan peluang pekerjaan kepada wanita dalam krisis.
  7. Projek Enterprise Mikro berfungsi sebagai sumber pekerjaan yang mahir, menggalakkan rasa tanggungjawab bersama, dan mendorong konsep swadaya, disiplin, dan etika kerja yang kukuh.
  8. Ia pada akhirnya menggalakkan harga diri dan martabat diri serta menyediakan bantuan kewangan kepada wanita yang ingin memulakan semula kehidupan mereka setelah meninggalkan Pusat.
Learn More

Rose Virginie Good Shepherd Centre, Ipoh

[email protected]; [email protected] Email
+605 - 546 7031Phone Number
+603-2011 7406Phone Number
+605 - 541 5582Fax Number
Rose Virginie Good Shepherd Centre P O Box 60 Taman Ipoh 31407 Ipoh PerakAddress
Visit Us

All donations to Touching Hearts Welfare Society in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor are TAX-EXEMPT under sub-section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967. Your generous support will directly benefit Hati’s operations and charity programs. Once your transaction is complete, please email [email protected] to request your tax-exemption receipt. If you would like your donation to support a specific Hati charity program, please specify the cause in the column below. Please note that does not collect donations on behalf of other NGOs or organizations listed on our website. If you wish to donate to them, kindly contact them directly. Below is the mandatory information required for your receipt:
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