In believing that it is possible, Madam Liu Hsia (alias Xinglin-Zi) and her fervent friends founded the Eden Welfare Foundation in 1982 for the millions of disabled in Taiwan.

On May 24th, 1991, Mr. And Mrs. Ch’ng Joo Beng extended the spirit of Taiwan Eden to Malaysia and set up the Eden Handicap Service Center in Penang.

Transforming a caring heart into a channel of blessing, Taiwan Eden officially established the Double Blessing (Shuang Fu) International Dispatch Center in the year 2000. In cooperation with the internationalization of Taiwan Eden’s ministry, the ministry of Kuala Lumpur has also been renamed “Double Blessing”.

About Shuang Fu:

The ultimate aim of setting up the Shuang Fu (Double Blessing) is to complement the effort of the Government to enrich the lives of the disabled through training and building up their self confidence.

It was fonded by Madam Shen Chiu Hsiang, who is a disabled person herself and her husband Rev. Ch’ng Joo Beng. With their years of experience at the Eden Handicap Service Centre, Penang, where they were involved in promoting the well-being for the disabled, Shuang Fu was set up and commenced to operate in October 2000.It was officially declared open by Datuk Seri Dr. Fong Chan Onn, the Minister of Human Resources Ministry, Malaysia on 19th August 2001. Shuang Fu is a charitable organisation registered with the registrar of Society under the Societies’ Act 1966.

Our Aims:-

Shuang Fu aims to help disabled persons and former drug addicts to achieve a breakthrough in their lives by teaching them suitable vocational skills to enable them to have better job opportunities. With self-sufficiency and self-confidence they would hopefully be reintegrated into society.

To achieve optimum results, Shuang Fu has provided services such as vocational training including handicraft, recycling, computer skills, job placement, and counseling without any charge to the disabled and underprivileged. The Shuang fu programs are open to all, regardless of race or religion.

Learn More

Shuang Fu (Double Blessing) Disabled Independent Living Association

Mr. Low Khee LianContact Person
[email protected]Email
+6603 79831 842/3Phone Number
+603 79831 844Fax Number
125, Jalan Hujan Emas, Taman Oversea Union, 58200 Kuala Lumpur.Address
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