Wetlands International Malaysia is a global not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands12. Wetlands are areas where water is the primary factor controlling the environment and the associated plant and animal life1. They provide benefits such as freshwater, help control floods, provide protection from waves, erosion and wind, are a source of natural products and food, provide water transport and are good for recreational and eco-tourism activities1.

Despite efforts to promote their importance, loss and damage to wetlands and their biodiversity continues1. Wetlands International Malaysia is deeply concerned about this and is dedicated to maintaining and restoring wetlands for their environmental values as well as for the services they provide to people2. They work through their network of offices, their partners and experts to achieve their goals2.

Wetlands International Malaysia adalah sebuah organisasi global tanpa tujuan untung yang berdedikasi untuk konservasi dan pemulihan tanah lembab. Tanah lembab adalah kawasan di mana air adalah faktor utama yang mengawal persekitaran dan kehidupan tumbuhan dan haiwan yang berkaitan. Mereka memberikan manfaat seperti air tawar, membantu mengawal banjir, memberikan perlindungan dari gelombang, hakisan dan angin, adalah sumber produk dan makanan semula jadi, menyediakan pengangkutan air dan baik untuk aktiviti rekreasi dan ekopelancongan.

Meskipun usaha untuk mempromosikan kepentingannya, kerugian dan kerosakan kepada tanah lembab dan kepelbagaian hayatinya terus berlaku. Wetlands International Malaysia sangat prihatin tentang ini dan berdedikasi untuk mengekalkan dan memulihkan tanah lembab untuk nilai-nilai alam sekitar serta untuk perkhidmatan yang mereka berikan kepada manusia. Mereka bekerja melalui rangkaian pejabat mereka, rakan kongsi dan pakar untuk mencapai matlamat mereka.

Learn More

Wetlands International Malaysia

[email protected]Email
+603 7804 6770Phone Number
+603 7804 6772Fax Number
3A31 Block A, Kelana Centre Point Jalan SS7/19 47301 Petaling Jaya SelangorAddress
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Every donation goes to Touching Hearts Welfare Society, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor and is exempted from tax under sub-section 44(6) of Income Tax Act 1967. Hati.my does NOT collect donations on behalf of other NGOs. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024. Kindly email [email protected] after your transaction is successfully completed to receive a receipt. The receipt will feature the following fields:
I have read the privacy policy and refund policy statements. UPDATE: Our Tax Exempt status is pending renewal. Expected date after 24 August 2024. With that, all donations received from April 2024 onwards will be issued with our new tax-exempted receipts after 24 August 2024.