Yayasan Aman

in Featured organisations, Sponsors, Youth

Aman Foundation was founded on January 17th, 1983 and is a non-profit organisation with the following objectives:- Help improve the intellectual levels among low income groups through related training programmes. Plan and execute leadership training programmes for youth and young adults in rural areas. Distribute financial assistance to disaster areas and low income groups. These assistance will be in the form of medical treatment and support. Strategise and form programmes relating to social economic development in rural areas. The Aman Foundation has also established a volunteer team...

Majlis Pusat Kebajikan Semalaysia Wilayah Persekutuan

in Featured organisations

VISI Membantu kanak-kanak, remaja, wanita, warga tua dan orang kurang upaya menjadi rakyat yang taat setia dan berguna dimasa. hadapan serta menyumbang ke arah pewujudan satu bangsa Malaysia yang masyarakatnya:- – bersatu-padu dan maju; – berkualiti dan berwibawa; – bermoral dan beretika; – berbudaya ikram dan penyayang; – sejahtera serta bersyukur. MISI Menentukan kumpulan sasar mendapat layanan yang adil dan saksama tanpa mengira umur, jantina, keturunan, agama dan yang kurang upaya. Membina dan memupuk semangat tolong menolong, bantu membantu untul...


in Featured organisations

Pertubuhan Penyayang Raudah is an organization that provides shelters and basic needs for orphanages and unfortunate children around Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.

Persekutuan Orang Pekak Malaysia

in Featured organisations

Perkhidmatan: Perkhidmatan jurubahasa isyarat Mengadakan kursus Bahasa isyarat Malaysia (BIM) Khidmat kaunseling untuk orang pekak Menyediakan program pembangunan komuniti untuk orang pekak (Independent Living program)


Rumah Hope

in Children, Featured organisations

Founded in 1994 as a social ministry of Good Hope Lutheran Church, ELCM, Rumah Hope serves as a sanctuary for abused, neglected, and underprivileged children aged five to 17. The Home relies on public funding to sustain its operations. In 1998, Rumah Hope moved to a new facility called Rumah Hope 1 in Paramount Garden, PJ, thanks to generous contributions from various sources. In 2006, Rumah Hope 2, a second block, was established. Together, these homes can accommodate up to 70 children. The Home is registered with the Registrar of Societies, the Selangor Welfare Council, and has received...

Shepherd’s Centre Foundation

in Children, Featured organisations

The Shepherd’s Centre Foundation is a foster home located in Malaysia that provides care for children who are orphaned, abandoned, abused, and neglected. Here are some key details about the foundation: Establishment: The Shepherd’s Centre Foundation was initiated in 1994. It was officially registered as the Shepherd’s Centre Foundation in 2000. Founders: The foundation received support from Rev. Joseph Ramayah and Stella Ramayah, senior church pastors at the Christian Life Centre in Malaysia. Children: Initially starting with two children, the foundation now shelters 97...

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