Precious Children’s Home
Who are we Precious Children’s Home currently houses children ranging from four to 18 years old. These children are mostly from the streets or whose parents are drug addicts, alcoholics, undergoing rehabilitation program or in prison, and orphans. We try our best to provide the best that we can for our children and provide them with education to prepare them for the future. The home was founded by Global Street Mission, a non-profit, non-governmental organization registered (reg. no: 496/87(W.P.)) with the Registrar of Societies of Malaysia. GSM works with the marginalized...
Pertubuhan Pendidikan Anak-Anak Yatim Selangor ( Rumah Bakti Dato’ Harun )
Siapa kami Demi rasa tanggungjawab dan simpati terhadap golongan anak-anak yatim, sekumpulan aktivis masyarakat dan pegawai kanan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor telah berjaya menubuh dan mendaftarkan “Pertubuhan Pendidikan Anak-Anak Yatim Selangor” mengikut Nombor Pendaftaran ARS/Sel/50/66 pada 16 Ogos 1966. Dengan kelulusan pendaftaran ini, Jawatankuasa berkenaan telah bergerak cergas untuk mencapai matlamat penubuhannya. Atas jasa Y.Bhg Allahyarham Dato’ Haji Harun Idris dan isteri Y.Bhg Datin Salmah Suleiman, Kerajaan Negeri Selangor telah mengurniakan sebidang tanah di Mukim Hulu Kelang...
Ozanam Service Centre Sri Sentosa
Who are we This project arises from the needs that have evolved from our traditional works of mercy with the poor in the outlying areas of PJ and KL and in particular the former squatter settlements. Our services Our works, observation and studies have clearly shown that in order to enable and empower the poor living in such areas, and more specifically the single mothers, obtaining full time employment has been hampered by the need for them to look after the younger children. This only allows them to seek part time housekeeping work where their monthly income often does not exceed 300 RM per...
MyKasih Foundation
Established in April 2009, MyKasih Foundation is a charity organisation founded by Tan Sri Dr Ngau Boon Keat, and his wife, Puan Sri Jean Ngau, to help low-income families through food aid and education, regardless of race, religion or descent. The MyKasih programme drives welfare distribution with a technological difference. The MyKasih ‘Love My Neighbourhood’ food aid programme and the MyKasih ‘Love My School’ student bursary programme run on an efficient cashless payment system developed by DIV Services Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of DIALOG Group Berhad. The system uses a patent-pending...

Mentari Project
Who are we The Mentari Project is administered by Join Us to Serve and Teach Children (JUST) SDN BHD. It started with a conversation at McDonald’s and a need to make a difference in December 2006. By 17 January 2008, the first meeting with parents took place in a kindergarten on the 10th floor. From a small group of kids in a tiny flat to the current batch and new premises, Mentari Project grew. More about JUST Children SDN BHD Join Us to Serve and Teach (JUST) Children is an organisation established in 2009 to administer the Mentari Project. Our main targets are the children that are...

Maybank Hindu Staff Society
MHSS is a non-profit organisation aimed at assisting the less privileged and illiterates in educating the community for a better living standard through programmes that cover Child welfare, Education, Health, Rural Development and Women empowerment.
Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI)
Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI) is primarily a service delivery non-profit organization working with refugee and asylum-seeker communities whose country of origins are those within the Middle Eastern, Central Asian and African regions; which include Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Our services focus on education, health, livelihood and emergency support. MSRI has 3 core programmes, namely an education programme for children (from 4 to 18 years of age) and adults, a family health programme offering primary healthcare, mental health and...
Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights
The Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (aka Pusat Rakyat LoyarBurok) was established on 19 March 2011 to promote and protect human rights in Malaysia through education, training, capacity building, media advocacy and strategic litigation. Currently, MCCHR runs four programmes: i. UndiMsia! Citizen Education Programme ( ii. Strategic Litigation and Media Advocacy iii. Resource Centre iv. Runcit

Malaysian Care
Malaysian CARE, officially known as the Malaysian Christian Association of Relief, is a non-profit Christian NGO established in 1979 in Malaysia. Its primary mission is to serve the poor and needy, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. The organization is headquartered in Malaysia and operates mainly in the states of Selangor and Perak. History Malaysian CARE was founded by a group of young Christians, with its first Board elected on November 24, 1978. The founding members included Wong Kim Kong, Lim Heng Seng, and others. Rev. Peter Young became the first Executive Director on...

Vision To provide a forum for everyone with an interest in anything and who do not wish to take themselves too seriously: (a) to pontificate (with their tongues firmly lodged in their cheek) on frivolous issues such as those concerning the state of the world, human rights, government, legal profession, judicial system; and more weighty and important matters such as movies, theatre, food, travel, books, music and anything else which comes to tickles their awesome minds in a manner that is provocative, amusing, entertaining, insulting (when they feel like it) and pretty damn ingenious; (b) to...
VisiMu Education Project
Who are we A CSR project under Pusat Jagaan VisiMu One of our initiatives include helping children with their educational and personal development via coordinating free tuition for students in Pulau Banggi, Kudat, Sabah
Kota Kita
About CHOW KIT KITA adalah sebuah projek pemetaan komuniti dari remaja Chow Kit, untuk remaja Chow Kit! Tema Fasa 3: Fesyen di Chow Kit! Company Overview Where can you find good food for cheap? The best hang out spots? Safe walking routes? Public facilities? How do you get around? And the best places to shop for clothes? Chow Kit Kita is a community mapping project by teens and for teens of Chow Kit. The map intends to show what they think and how they feel about Chow Kit and the community. Using the arts, it will incorporate their perspectives on information relevant to their...

Kechara – A Tsem Rinpoche Organisation
We aim to assist people in improving their quality of life by developing inner peace, love, wisdom and happiness. The range of services and programmes offered by Kechara is based on authentic Buddhist teachings from an unbroken lineage featuring a systematic approach to the stages of the Buddhist path to Enlightenment. We emphasise practical ways to integrate Buddhist principles into everyday lives.
Inov Lab
Inov Lab is a global network built based on the philosophy of lifelong learning. We aim to cultivate social entrepreneurs and facilitate the development of innovative solutions in order to generate positive impact in the society and environment.
IMPIAN Institut Masalah Pembelajaran dan Autisme Malaysia
Who are we IMPIAN, a Training Centre for children with Learning Disability and Autism was established in 1998 by two professionals, Y.Bhg. Datin Dr K Mangalaveni (Medical Practitioner) and Y.Bhg.Prof.Dr Zasmani Shafiee (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist). The purpose of setting up IMPIAN was the realisation to assist and provide opportunities for developing these special children’s potential in the real world. Among the programmes designed in IMPIAN are Early Intervention, Junior, Senior and Adult Programmes with Functional Academics and Vocational Programmes, Sheltered Workshop and Job...